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Mutual Respect.

“We are responsible for each other- not as our brothers keeper, but as brothers and sisters freely “willing to bear one another’s burdens’ and “comfort those that stand in need of comfort” (Mosiah 18:8-9). We cannot escape that responsibility, nor expect someone else to accept it for us.”

-Elder Alexander B. Morrison

Shared  Responsibility.

“Let us learn respect for others if we are to realize the abundant life. Man, by nature, is tempted to seek only his glory and not the glory of his neighbor or the glory of his God. None of us lives alone- in our city, our nation, or our world. There is no dividing line between our prosperity and our neighbor’s poverty.”

-President Thomas S. Monson

Student Living


"Love is the greatest of all the commandments- all others hang upon it. It is our focus as followers of the living Christ. It is the one trait that, if developed, will most improve our lives.”

-Joseph B. Wirthlin